Academic Communications
We have edited a vast number of manuscripts that have been published in high-impact journals, including Nature and Science. We also work directly with top professors in almost all fields, including the 2012 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine and Physiology.
We have edited top published fiction, textbooks, instruction manuals, dissertations, and theses. We will edit your book, manuscript, dissertation, or thesis and raise it to the level of an English native-speaker, Ph.D.-level Ivy League university graduate.
We have edited numerous successful large- and small-scale grants and proposals, including U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and Ford Foundation grants.
Jake Carpenter
Jake Carpenter received his B.A. degree in Psychology from UCLA in 2004. Jake began his academic writing and editing career at UCLA, working as a publications assistant for Dr. Michelle G. Craske, UCLA Professor of Psychology. He next worked as an editor for a large UCLA research project, where he helped to edit several multi-million dollar U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) grants, high-impact journal manuscripts, and book articles.
Jake opened his own academic editing, writing, and consulting service, Academic Communications, in 2006. Since beginning Academic Communications, Jake has edited and written for top universities, professors, scientists, and publications in the U.S. and globally.